Something Big Something Small
Sometimes Yes Sometimes No
We want God to show up during the Big stuff and do our on thing during the small stuff. We want to tell Him Yes with the little things and No with the big stuff. Half in Half out.
But see God wants to be there for it ALL.
Sometimes our Yes to something is a No to God and Sometimes our No is a Yes for God.
And sometimes it's a mixture of them all.
But guess what He is still God.
As I'm on this journey to completely Saying Yes to God in Everything. I'm having to look and see where my heart is. Is it truly on God or this world? Do I only trust Him with certain stuff and try and keep the rest secret? I need to completely surrender to Him. Why you might ask? Because He wants me, for me because I took that step and believed and was baptized. I want to spend eternally with Him but to do that I need to start NOW here in this broken world. He has called us to live for Him.
Philippians 1:21.....For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.
I like to say I am to busy to spend time with God, start my day out with Him, end my day with Him, read my Bible, and just pray. And yes I am busy taking care of the things He has blessed me with. How would I feel if my children never told me thank you or showed any emotions to me. Yeah, I wouldn't be to happy. So I need to remember He is my Father and to spend time with Him. And it all starts and ends with ME, MYSELF, and I. I need to remember when I am struggling to still go to Him. And there will be struggles but that makes it mean more deep down. So I need to let go and Let God work in me. I need to say YES in everything I do with a happy heart. Even the things I think are just run of the mill or just ordinary things. It's still saying YES to God.
For starters......
Talk to people I don't know.
Do something for others just because.
Take joy in my house, chores and all.
Enjoy my children.
Spend time with my Husband, just the two of us.
Be an ear to someone who is in trouble or hurting.
Give hugs.
Pick up the phone and call not just send a text.
Send a card not just a Facebook message.
Put flowers on a strangers grave when I visit my Daddy's or best friend Pat's grave-site.
Tell my husband I'm proud of him.
Tell my kids I'm proud of them.
Connect with people not just the ones I'm comfortable with.
Be Thankful.
Count my blessings and keep a list again.
Share when I'm struggling.
Open the door.
Cook a meal for a family.
Pack backpacks with food.
Send extra school supplies.
Send a kid to camp.
Serve at church, in my community.
Study my Sunday school lessons before Saturday night.
Pay it forward.
Visit people.
Open our home.
A time to talk and a time to listen.
Be a servant not a taker.
This is just a small list of stuff, things our family does sometimes without thinking about it but it's a starting place. But these little ordinary things can have a big impact. Once you start it may be hard to stop.
Lysa writes in her book....
I remind myself often that people don't care to meet Jesus until they meet the reality of Jesus in my life.
We think saying YES to God has to be some big thing but actually everything big started from something small. My mission field starts first with Me and then pours into my house through my husband and our children. And then others can see Christ in our lives.
I want to be fully commented to saying YES to GOD.
I pray my children Amos, Carter, Isaiah and Laura Mae grow to have servants hearts and show Christ love in everything they do. I pray they say YES because of the way Daniel and I (hopefully) are showing them, Whatever God says to do, do it.