Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Bag of Candy

Hershey’s Miniatures

A look at this bag and it might say, A Little something for everyone. 
Family Size.
And inside you will find Milk Chocolate, Krackel, Mr. Goodbar, and Special Dark Chocolate
Some with a certain type of chocolate, some with crisped rice, some with nuts.
All different but one thing in common: Chocolate

Now compare that with our life:
Men, Women, Mom, Dad, Grandparents, Children, Grandchildren, Aunt, Uncle, Jobs that define us, color of our skin, American, other nationalities, Christians and Non Christians and many more

We all have labels that tell who, what, or where 

Really no different than this bag of candy

One thing in common with these labels is a God who Loves us. 

Now this bag of candy can tell us a story of labels. 
Such as …..
Milk Chocolate can represent God’s love for us. Very smooth no bumps or things blocking our way with love from Him. We put those bumps and blocking items in the way of our love for Him. 

Krackel : the things that are small items we think we can get away with: White lies, gossip, hurtful words, actions and so on.
Mr. Goodbar: the things in life that make us feel good: Vacations, a certain show on TV, reading a good book, doing nothing, spending money on things we don’t need.

Special Dark Chocolate: Can have a bitter taste but has very good health benefits to us but we don’t always go to it first: Prayer, Reading our Bible, Quite time, Church, Church activities.

No matter what our label is. God’s Love is Free to us All. He wants us to have a relationship with Him. He wants us to take that bite of Special Dark Chocolate and not taste the bitterness; He wants it to be smooth like Milk Chocolate. He didn’t promise our life would be smooth sailing but he does promise us that our trials will have a Great outcome.
1 Peter 1:4-7
and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade—kept in heaven for you,who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.

God still loves us through the Krackels and the Mr. Goodbars of life. All we have to do is ask for forgiveness of these bumps. And through them all keep our eyes on Him that his great works will shine through.

Matthew 5:16

16 In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Eight Years Old

 Carter Ray
my little Spitfire, Strong Willed, Big Heart, Smart, Laughing, Singing, Curious Boy. 
You have brought so much joy to this family. I thank God every day for you.
And you have kept your Dad and me on our toes but I wouldn't have it any other way. You came in this world when you were ready not on anyone else time table. I went into labor with you on a Wednesday night. I got to the hospital and they slowed down my contractions because it was to early for you to be born, 6 weeks early. So they kept me in the hospital and said I would go home on Sunday as long as my contractions didn't start back. Well you had other things in mind. Saturday night, I started to have contractions and they weren't going any where. I called Momma Pat at 12 am and told her to come on that you were ready to come. At 5:45 am, I called Uncle Jimmy and told him to get to the hospital because he wanted to be one of the first to meet you. Everyone else we had told not to even call us on Sunday morning until after 10 am, so we could sleep in and would probably be getting to come home. Actually I already knew we wouldn't be, I knew you were going to come on Sunday. At 9:53 am, Carter Ray Snyder came into the world screaming on Sunday, October 3, 2004 at 5 lbs and 15 oz and 19 inches long. Healthy as can be. And since that moment everything has to be in your time. Because you were 6 weeks early you even got to go to your own baby shower that Granny (my mom) had planned for the following Saturday. Several people didn't even know that you had been born yet so it made for an interesting time at the party.
Carter Ray, you have made us, your Dad and me, Very proud. You are turning into a remarkable little boy that one day will do great things in God's name. That's my prayer for you, to always remember to lean on God and do everything for his glory. And for you to know how much you are Loved. 
Love you Carter Ray and Happy 8th Birthday! 
What a joyful adventure the last eight years have been!

Here's some pictures of you growing up...... not any from the day you were born, that was before I had a digital camera so I haven't scanned them into the computer yet, maybe one day.

still new to walking

 6 months old, sitting up
at Rock Island State Park staying in a cabin with Granny and Pa

playing in the leaves
just hanging out in the dryer
sleeping on the kitchen floor

playground fun

wearing Dad's fire helmet
Brotherly Love

one of my favorite pictures

Happy Boy
our own Little Superman or Snyderman 
playing on the zip line in our backyard
a Shepherd at the Live Nativity at our church
always had fire boots on 

 My wild Indian for Spirit week at school
After watching your dad in the Mud Run
climbing the dogwood tree in the front yard at home
reading on Pa and Granny's front porch
 50's day at school
 hanging out on Pa's log truck