Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Jesus Sandwich

The last few months I did an online bible study through Proverbs 31 Ministry and we read the book, What Happens When Women Say YES to God by Lysa Terkeurst. This book really made me stop and think about my walk with Christ. During the course of this study the leaders encouraged us to step out and let go. They also showed us great examples or physical things that we can see or touch to remember that God is with us when we feel alone.

One of the chapters we looked at was titled: You never know how God will use you until you let Him. In this chapter we learned by letting go it can be the stepping stone for what God can do in our lives. And then with this stepping stone we can be AMAZED how God is working. 

So what does it mean to REMAIN?
Choose to stay connected, to stay put, stay connected
So what does this have to do with being AMAZED.?.?

If we choose to REMAIN where we are not moving things more than likely will not change but if we choose to REMAIN in Christ then things are going to change. So what holds us back from Letting Go and Letting God use us? Fear, the loss of control, the unknown, outside our comfort zone......
But for God to use us we must remember, " God must be Lord of All if He is our Lord at All."
So how can I let God use me???
I must CHOOSE to Him.
I must stay CONNECTED to Him.
I must stay FOCUSED on Him.
Remember He is INSIDE of me as a believer.

In John 15:4 Jesus states:
Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. ~NIV 

He is with me through every minute to every second of the day. If I move from one thing to the next guess what He is still there. Jesus is physically moving me, not me moving Him. 

 So what happens when I get discouraged or forget my way? I need to remember to to REMAIN in Jesus. Those little nudges I get  are the Holy Spirit, Jesus inside of me, working, moving me to let go and let Him. He promised that when He left the disciples he wouldn't leave them alone or us. He would send another counselor in His place,  
John 14:16,
And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever.
Through this chapters in John we learn Jesus is with me always and not just Jesus but because of Him we are in the God our Father.
John 14:20
In that day you will know that I am in my Father, you are in Me and I am in you.

So to help us as a group to remember this verse and that Jesus is always with us the Proverbs 31 team gave us this example to see, touch and share.
Take 3 envelopes in varying size and one index card.

On the biggest envelope write the name GOD, the next size write Jesus, the smallest envelope write your name (in my case I wrote Kim) and on the index card write Jesus again. Shown below.....
Also on the GOD envelope write the bible verse, John 14:20 and if you want to flip the index card over and write the bible verse, John 15:4. As a reminder to REMAIN in God and in Jesus.Now take the Jesus index card and put inside your name envelope then add this into the Jesus envelope and last but not least put them all into the GOD envelope. Now you are a Jesus Sandwich because
In that day you will know that I am in my Father, you are in Me and I am in you.
John 14:20
So what do I have to fear. God and Jesus are EVERYWHERE I go! I just need to CHOOSE to REMAIN.
Because I am a 

This visual had a big impact on me when I first did it and ever since then. What a great thing to have stuck in places that I will see and so I can remember I am not alone.

hugs and prayers~ KMS

Friday, August 30, 2013

Family Trip 2013

Bayse, VA to the Real DC

Our Family Big Family Trip for 2013

We loaded up the suburban with our clothes, food, drinks, kids, us and my mom and headed on our surprise family trip  for a week of family fun. So glad my mom got to go with us. I say a surprise trip because we don't usually tell the kids where we are going just that we are going somewhere for a certain amount of time. It drives them batty but it is so worth it for the looks of happiness on their faces.
On Monday we spent time visiting with my Mom's best friend, Mary Jane at the Udvar-Hazy Center that is a part of the Smithson, it houses the extra stuff from Air and Space Museum. Tuesday was a  full day in DC touring All the sites.We surprised the kids with a trip to Washington DC. They didn't have a clue where we were going until they walked out of Union Station to catch a double decker bus tour. They kept asking, "Is this the real DC?!?!?!"  It was so worth the planning for a day of fun! The rest of the trip we stayed close to where we were staying in Bayse, VA.  Wednesday we stayed around the resort for a day of swimming and canoeing. Thursday we went to the Shenandoah Caverns where the walls looked like bacon afterwards we saw some old parade floats that were used in the Presidential Inaugural Parades. Also on Thursday we toured the Route 11 Potato Chip factory where we got to sample the chips, all for free. Friday was a day of rest. Saturday we celebrated Isaiah turning 4 with a Scooby-Doo cake, I hand drew using a butter knife, topped off with swimming and hot dog supper. Then Sunday we traveled back on with a stop in Bristol,Tn so Daniel could see the Speedway for Father's Day. 
 June 2013

Rest stop in Virgina for a picnic lunch

So cool to see the space shuttle Discovery up close

Mary Jane and Starr, best friends since they were kids

the Metro heading into DC

Still no clue we are in DC, about to walk out of Union Station

Our reflection in the Vietnam Wall

Going in to see the sites from the old Clock Tower

Our transportation in DC. Worth the time and money

Amelia Earhart plane

outside of Air and Space

View from our room

Bacon in the cave

Add caption

more bacon

one of the many floats

Daniel, Amos, and Carter canoeing. I took this picture from the deck of our room. Thank goodness fro zoom.

Barns were like this every where we looked.

Gorgeous old churches

Isaiah's birthday cake

total miles of this trip of Fun

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Good Morning God

Start of the day

What is the first thing you do as that alarm goes off in the morning? For me it's usually telling Daniel to shut it off as he hits the snooze button multiple times. Then finally I usually say, "Daniel it's time for you to get up." sometimes in a nice way and sometimes not so nice, "I'm ready to throw the phone out the window." Depending on how I sleep depends on my reaction. We both like to sleep because we stay up late and get up early. We are up early getting kids to school on time and Daniel to get either to the fire department or to go mowing. We stay up late because sometimes that's the only alone time we have together, to ourselves, to watch a certain TV show, Daniel to study for test, me reading a book, up and down with kids, playing catchup on bible school lessons, or bible studies and the list could go on and on. But come the next morning we are dragging because of the lack of sleep, not always but most times. I know people are always saying get up early in the morning and have your alone/quite time with God. And I really, really want to do that but I just don't.  In this time or season of my life my alone/quite time just doesn't work out for me in the early morning and I use to beat myself up because of it. I don't now because to me what the important part is, is not the time of day completely, its taking the time to just do it. So I have found myself as I go through this study and read What Happens When Women Say Yes to God, starting my day with a prayer, more than I have in the past, before I even lift my head from the pillow. It is a great way to start my day. It even tides me over until I can sit later in the day for my alone/quite time. Some mornings the prayer is long and sometimes short. 

Here is a sample of what I will say......
Lord, Good morning. Thank you for a peaceful night of sleep. And a good start to my morning. Lord, you know what today is going to be like and you know the path I will choose. I just pray that I listen to you as I walk today. I ask you to watch over my children at school and that they be a blessing to each person they come in contact with. I pray for Daniels safety as he does his job today. I ask for my head, my heart and my ears to be clear of the jumbled stuff that keeps me from you and that I listen for your voice in the direction I take for the day. I pray that I say Yes Lord as you call on me today. Lord, you know, there are more times than not I truly would like to slap some people or lose my cool. Lord I ask for help to keep it together and strength for control of my actions. You also know I need to keep my thoughts good and not let negative things bring me down.  I pray that I am your blessing to someone who needs you the most. I pray that you use our family as shining lights  and that others will want to know you through our actions.  I want to accept what ever is thrown my way today Lord to help build your kingdom. I want my palms up, for whatever you ask of me, so I can be amazed with your strength and I'm going to stick with it because you love me and have my back. I love you Lord.......in Jesus name......Amen
Or it could be as simple as....

Lord, Good Morning. I love you. And I need your strength for what lays ahead. 
in Jesus name... Amen

Like I said somedays are different in what I may say but I always ask for his strength to say Yes to the tasks ahead. I have found if I at least start my day with, "Good Morning, Lord", I have more energy for the day. Also what helps me to is not just starting my day with a prayer to God but to end my day with a prayer. I try to recap what the day has held and where I've seen God or how He has used me. And tell Him, 

"Good night, thank you and I love you." in Jesus name.....Amen

This has helped with a peaceful night of  sleep. 

Don't think I have it all together because trust me nothing is further from the truth but I am TRYING each day to live a life of Yes God Use Me Today. Somedays are much better than others.

hugs and prayers ~KMS

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Summer 2013

Since Fall is just around the corner I guess I should share what the summer has held for the Snyder House. Some summers are Very full and others not so much. This summer was full. Church camp for Amos and Carter the first week of June at White Mills Christian Camp in Kentucky. Home for a day and then packed again for a family trip to Virgina for a week, with a surprise day trip spent in Washington DC and my Momma coming with us. Celebrating Isaiah turning 4 while we were on action. A few days of VBS at our church learning about God's Big Backyard. Waiting for yummy stuff from our garden. Meeting up with cousins Carol and her boys, Noah and Samuel from Michigan at Demos in Lebanon. Meeting up with my sister in law Alicia and cousin James at my parents for a day of water fun. Several trips to Daddy Tom's pool. July 4th cookout with Philip and Sue and Auntie Leslie and shooting fireworks in the rain. Camping trip to Rock Island the weekend before school starts back. Bike rides. Hiking with family and friends. Laura Mae climbing out of her crib. Bedroom redo. Flag football practice and Saturday morning games. Schooling starting July 25th fro Amos and Carter. Isaiah's first full day of preK August 8th. Making salsa, ketchup, sauerkraut, relish, canning green beans that we grew in our garden. Amos taking his Hunter's Safety course, 98 written test and hitting 2 of the 3 skeet's, thanks Daddy Tom for taking him to shoot. Cookeville County Fair. And LOTS of rain. And still to come before the the first day of Fall: the Mud Run and the Warren County Fair. Busy. Fun. Family. Friends. Love summer time!
 Since we had a full summer this year, there will be several different days of just pictures.
 Hope you enjoy the pictures of our Adventures

hugs and prayers~ KMS

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Something Big Something Small
Sometimes Yes Sometimes No
We want God to show up during the Big stuff and do our on thing during the small stuff. We want to tell Him Yes with the little things and No with the big stuff.  Half in Half out.
But see God wants to be there for it ALL.
Sometimes our Yes to something is a No to God and Sometimes our No is a Yes for God.
 And sometimes it's a mixture of them all.
But guess what He is still God.

As I'm on this journey to completely Saying Yes to God in Everything. I'm having to look and see where my heart is. Is it truly on God or this world? Do I only trust Him with certain stuff and try and keep the rest secret? I need to completely surrender to Him. Why you might ask? Because He wants me, for me because I took that step and believed and was baptized. I want to spend eternally with Him but to do that I need to start NOW here in this broken world. He has called us to live for Him. 

 Philippians 1:21.....For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. 

I like to say I am to busy to spend time with God, start my day out with Him, end my day with Him, read my Bible, and just pray. And yes I am busy taking care of the things He has blessed me with. How would I feel if my children never told me thank you or showed any emotions to me. Yeah, I wouldn't be to happy. So I need to remember He is my Father and to spend time with Him. And it all starts and ends with ME, MYSELF, and I. I need to remember when I am struggling to still go to Him. And there will be struggles but that makes it mean more deep down. So I need to let go and Let God work in me. I need to say YES in everything I do with a happy heart. Even the things I think are just run of the mill or just ordinary things.  It's still saying YES to God.

For starters......
Talk to people I don't know.
Do something for others just because.
Take joy in my house, chores and all.
Enjoy my children.
Spend time with my Husband, just the two of us.
Be an ear to someone who is in trouble or hurting.
Give hugs.
Pick up the phone and call not just send a text.
Send a card not just a Facebook message.
Put flowers on a strangers grave when I visit my Daddy's or best friend Pat's grave-site.
Tell my husband I'm proud of him.
Tell my kids I'm proud of them.
Connect with people not just the ones I'm comfortable with.
Be Thankful.
Count my blessings and keep a list again.
Share when I'm struggling.
Open the door.
Cook a meal for a family.
Pack backpacks with food.
Send extra school supplies.
Send a kid to camp.
Serve at church, in my community.
Study my Sunday school lessons before Saturday night.
 Pay it forward.
Visit people.
Open our home.
A time to talk and a time to listen.
Be a servant not a taker.

 This is just a small list of stuff, things our family does sometimes without thinking about it but it's a starting place. But these little ordinary things can have a big impact. Once you start it may be hard to stop.

Lysa writes in her book....
I remind myself often that people don't care to meet Jesus until they meet the reality of Jesus in my life.

We think saying YES to God has to be some big thing but actually everything big started from something small. My mission field starts first with Me and then pours into my house through my husband and our children. And then others can see Christ in our lives.
I want to be fully commented to saying YES to GOD.

I pray my children Amos, Carter, Isaiah and Laura Mae grow to have servants hearts and show Christ love in everything they do. I pray they say YES because of the way Daniel and I (hopefully) are showing them,  Whatever God says to do, do it.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

5 Questions+Radical Obedience= #SayWhat

August 4th I started a Online Bible Study through Proverbs 31 Ministries with over 22,000 ladies from a 120 countries around the world reading the book, What Happens When Women Say YES to God  by Lysa Terkeurst. I have to say it is making me think and I am loving it. I'm also a part of group of great ladies on Facebook, who I don't even know but soon will, that are going through this study together.  I believe, life is about being together for fellowship while worshiping God.
This is the second week of this study and God is moving through me. The first week we study about having our #PalmsUp and ready for, "Whatever God says, do it."(pg 20). And this week we are Hearing God's Voice and Radical Obedience (chapter2/3).

I pray for my mind to be clear and my heart to be open to hear.

5 questions to help me hear God, #SayWhat moments, Radical Obedience
I don't know if you can have any of these without the other. When you sit with God and use these questions and give into radical obedience the #Say What moments are going to come. I struggle with my quite time. I want to blame it on the fact there are 4 kids in the house and I'm busy with them or busy keeping the house clean (cough, cough) and any other task I can come up with. But the true reason is I CHOOSE other things to do. I choose to start my day on the iPad, computer, or even my phone. And then if I have time, I will spend a few minutes with God. But who am I kidding, I put God off until I lay in bed and have put my book down before going to sleep and sometimes not even then. Then God is getting the leftovers of me. And I know in my heart that is so off and wrong. I tell lots of people if you put God first and get right with him then everything else will fall into place. It's a great speech and I probably should listen to my own advice. It's easy to tell my husband. kids, family, and friends to put God first and ignore it myself, thinking I've got this all figured out. Yeah right, if anything I am more fake than ever. I don't want to be fake I want to be Real. I want my kids to see me spending time with God. I don't want that old saying, " Do as I say, not as I do." to be apart of my life. I want to be REAL with my family.

In the book, Lysa uses John 15:4,"Remain in me and I will remain in you.No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me." to talk about obedience. So if I want to bear fruit to my family and friends I MUST make the choice to be with God.

So my Radical Obedience is Choosing God First, being Real with people in my life and shutting out the stuff. I'm reprogramming my life by having time with God. Asking these questions, having the obedience, and  those #SayWhat moments will keep me on the road to saying YES. As I say YES to GOD. I'm going to have my #PalmsUp and ready and #SayWhat when He calls.

Here's the list of questions to ask is you aren't sure what you want (things, which road to take, which choice to make and so forth) is in line with God. A great starting step on the road to hearing God.

hugs and prayers~ Kim

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Canning Sauerkraut in a Jar


This is so easy that you think what step did I leave out. I always think what else do I have to do, I know I forgot something but no, it's just that easy. I say easy but it is time consuming because of all the chopping that goes into it. But it is so worth it come winter time. Our family Loves it.
This recipe has been passed onto me through my Mom from her grandmother Addie Carter and also from my Dad's mother Ella Mae. These women knew how to can food. I am carrying the tradition on to my kids. 
You don't need any special equipment for this. 
All you need is some 
cabbage heads, 
a good knife or old tin can for chopping,
cutting board
BIG bowl for the chopped cabbage
a Big pot of water
Salt~ not iodized 
clean pint or quart jars
lids and rings
old towels
a calendar that has the  Zodiac Signs on it (more on this later)

So lets get started:
Start chopping with a knife, an old tin can, or a hand chopper
I prefer a knife
Now you can chop it how ever fine or coarse you want, I don't like it to fine
I did chop it smaller then this
Yes, Daniel helped chop
Put a big pot of water on to boil
After all the chopping start packing or pushing the cabbage into mason jars 
leave at least an 1/2 inch head room
Depending on the size of the jar 
1/2 teaspoon  to 1 teaspoon salt per pint
1 heaping tablespoon salt per quart
Once salt is added pour the boiling water into the jars
Remember to leave head room 
Get the air out with a knife or wooden spoon down the sides
Put the lid and ring on the jar, not to tight  and 
turn upside down for 10-15 minutes (this helps seals the lid) onto a towel
When you turn the jars right-side up cover them with more towels  
Keep a watch on them for a week and tighten the lids as you go
Also get ready to hear~ Pop, Pop, Pop this is normal 
25 quarts and 1 pint
How easy was that!
After a week store the Kraut in a Cool Dark place
( I usually put them back in the jar box and store them in my canning closet)
If light gets to the jars it could cause them to rot
Let set for at least a month 
and then Enjoy!

~Important Information~
I mentioned the zodiac signs earlier, this is important. Most people know to plant their garden in the correct sign or moon phase but it's also important to make Kraut in the correct sign. Why, you ask? Because canning it during the wrong signs~ guts, bowels,secreats~ can cause your Kraut to Rot. All that chopping goes down the drain. So just look at a farmers almanac or calendar that has the signs on it. It's worth the time. So when is the BEST sign~ the Head, some say the feet too, as long as it's as far away from the guts, bowels,secreats you should be okay. The next important thing and this is for the ladies, Do Not make Kraut when its your menstrual cycle. Why? Same reason for checking the signs, it will Rot. These may be Ole Wise Tales but they have been passed through my family for years and trust me we have eaten good over the years. So why chance it.
So remember the BEST time to can is when the sign is in the upper part of body, the Head the furthest from the guts